Organise My Life: Cleaning Out My Wardrobe

Hey guys!

Today I am bringing you a new kind of post which I am naming ‘Organise My Life’, a series of blog posts sharing my tips for having a more clean, organised life. I am a very unorganised person, and many of the goals I have set for 2018 require me to be more organised. I’ve slowly started introducing better habits into my daily life so far, and I want to share some of the things I’ve done to help all of you out there who are just as unorganised as me 😅.

Anyway, today I am showing you how I cleaned out my wardrobe. I spend most of my time in my bedroom, and I recently did a deep clean of it just before the new year. I didn’t get to cleaning out my wardrobe though,  so I decided to make that one of the first things I did in 2018. Having a clean room (and wardrobe) makes me feel happy and motivated to be more productive, which will really help me once I go back to school.

So, here is how I fixed the ever-growing mess that was my wardrobe 😜!


Here is what my wardrobe looked like before I started, I had so many clothes and I had no idea where anything was, which made it a nightmare if I needed to find that one black top I wanted 😬. I normally end up just throwing my clothes wherever they fit, which led to the overflowing shelves you can see on the right. I really wanted to clean it out and re-arrange it so I could find things easily and it wad nice to look at.

Mission 1: Hang my tops neatly so I can find one easily.

The first thing I did was tackle my tops, which are hanging on the left. To start, I pulled them all off their hangers and made a pile pile on the floor.


Then I sorted them into two piles: what I want to keep and what I didn’t. Any shirt that I hadn’t worn recently and any that didn’t fit would not go back into my wardrobe. I find that just getting rid of clothes that don’t fit is a very easy way to free up space in shelves, drawers and hangers. 


The next thing I did was fold all of them and put them into piles based on colours. I also made a separate pile for long sleeved tops and thermal tops, as it is currently summer and I won’t be needing them any time soon 😉.


Then I spent what felt like an hour hanging them all up. I managed to get all of my tops on the bottom rack, which left me with two thirds of the top rack to hang other clothes.

Mission 2: Clean my drawers so that they actually shut.


So… I am guilty of shoving WAY too much in my drawers, which means they don’t shut properly a lot of the time. I really needed to clear them out and organise them so I could actually find things in them.

(Okay so me being the complete spud I am forgot to take photos of some of the drawers, so this is what I’m left with 😅)


The first thing I did was take everything out of the bottom drawer (it was filled with junk 😬) and put my beanies and scarves in it. As I said before its summer here so I moved them from the second drawer to the last because I won’t need them for six months 😜. You can see my obsession with beanies here, I have nine in this draw alone (and various others scattered around my room XD). Folding the beanies and placing them side by side will make it easier to pull them out of the drawer when I need to. I ended up doing this on a few of my other shelves too.

The next drawer up was given to my riding gear. If you don’t know already I am a part of a human powered racing team (we race recumbent bikes) and I have accumulated a lot of gear since I started. This draw used to be filled with shoes, so I took them out and lined them up along my wall. I didn’t take a photo for this drawer because some of the stuff had my school logo on it, but it’s way neater now (trust me)!

I put my school sports uniform in the third drawer up. I didn’t take any photos for the same reason as before. This drawer used to be filled with socks, so I dumped them on the floor for the time being.


The second draw from the top is now the sock drawer. I started by sorting my socks into different categories and matching any odd ones. I swear there is a sock monster living in my washing machine because I always seem to end up with odd socks 😡!


Anyway, I ended up with six different piles: school socks, black socks, explorer socks, invisible socks, plain white socks and fancy socks (with all the patterns on them). Can you tell I like to categorise things 😅? Putting things into categories makes it easier to find things in your wardrobe, and it looks neater too.


After that I put all of the socks into the drawer, the explorer socks towards the back and the socks I wear more often at the front. I rarely wear long socks, so they got pushed to the back. It’s still a little messy though, I’d like to get little dividers so I can separate the sections more.

Mission 3: Sort out the shelves so my clothes don’t fall out every time I open my wardrobe.

The last part of my wardrobe is the group of shelves on the right. I tend to shove my stuff in them because I can’t be bothered putting them away properly 😜 but it’s time to fixe that.


The top two shelves are for my jumpers and hoodies, but the don’t all fit properly. I decided to hang everything that didn’t have a hood in the free space on the left, which will make it easier for me to pick a jumper and keep them from getting wrinkled. Did you recognise the pink jacket from my spring clothing haul? It’s my favourite jacket ever 😆.

It was around this time where my cat decided to help me 😂, he’s so cute ❤️.


I sorted my remaining hoodies into two piles: polar fleece and not polar fleece (I’m so creative 😅) . I won’t be needed my polar fleeces until winter, so I put them up the top out of the way. I folded the hoodies and stacked them vertically, it looks so much better!


The next shelf is for my shorts and pants, you can see how chaotic it is 😂.


I started by sorting (surprise surprise) and folding the shorts and pants. I had a pile for tracksuit pants, a pile for jeans, another for denim shorts and one for fabric shorts. I also lined them up vertically, it just makes it easier so I’m not rummaging through piles.


My pyjama shelf was probably the worst, there was no rhyme or reason to it at all 😬. As per usual I started by sorting the clothes and putting the matching sets together. Anything that didn’t belong to a set was folded and put into piles at the back.


I also rolled each pyjama set together, so I don’t have to try and find a match in a pile. Rolling clothes together also saves space, so if you are struggling to fit clothes into a small space try rolling them instead of folding. 

I ended up putting the rolls in front of the piles, it looks so much cleaner than before!


Here is my new and improved wardrobe! I’m so happy with it, it took me a really long time but it was totally worth it!

Will you try out any if the tips I shared? When was the last time you cleaned your wardrobe?

Thank you so much for reading, I’ll talk to you all in my next post!

Alexis Glow xx

7 thoughts on “Organise My Life: Cleaning Out My Wardrobe

  1. It looks grea! The last time I cleaned out my closet was probably last summer. Every year, there’s a one week period of time where I just feel the URGE TO CLEAN. And then I reorganize everything.

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